Monday, April 5, 2010

Comment from Brittany Miller

I work at Hardees of Greencastle. I've been there for a little over 2 years. When I first met Art he was quiet. As I saw him more often, we spoke more as well. When I'd ask him how he was sometimes he would answer with ok or an odd complicated phrase that otherwise meant he was ok. But my favorite was "fair to middley." The world has lost a soft spoken and gentle hearted man. I'll be thinking of you when I brew that pot of coffee Art.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Comment from Harriet Macklin

On behalf of many, many, many citizens in the southeastern states IN rural communities, we will miss the knowledge and concerns that Art had on behalf of obtaining affordable housing. I, as a HAC staffer in the south, benefited from Art's knowledge and wisdom on the programs for rural communities and his training. Yes, Art was silly at times, but he brought a lot of history (FmHA history) to HAC. I learned a LOT. THANKS ART.

Comment from Bill Powers

Art's death is a real loss not only to his family and those of us who worked with him at HAC but to the broader progressive world who care about the poor and disadvantaged. He made a tremendous contribution to improving the lives of the rural poor and especially farmworkers. HIs legacy lives on.
Bill Powers

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