Monday, March 29, 2010

Moises Loza's remarks at Art's funeral

How does one talk about or describe Art?

To an unbending, inflexible bureaucrat who forgets that his job is to serve, meeting Art was probably like a splash of ice cold water to the face. For most of us, Art was more of a warm, reassuring embrace.

Art was many things. For one, he was a teacher. Many of us in the room learned from Art. We learned about rural housing, regulations, procedures, and so on. Art traveled around the country training many others about rural housing for the poor. His teaching took many forms. I remember Art used to keep a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter in the office. At lunchtime, he would spread out in the conference room and eat his peanut butter sandwiches while many of us gathered around him with our lunches (or without) and learned from him as he dispensed his wisdom. Now I realize how valuable those sessions were.

Art was also a mentor. Many of us grew and developed because of his guidance. He would take anyone willing under his wing and give of himself so readily. If we failed to grow it is our failing, but whatever smarts we came away with can be attributed to Art's wise counsel.

Art could be funny. A highlight of our Christmas parties was Art reading his poetry. Sometimes we laughed and sometimes we groaned, but that never fazed him.

He could also be silly. I remember when we walked the halls of federal buildings and Congress, Art would start skipping just to embarrass the rest of us who were trying so hard to behave properly.

Most of all, Art was a man of principle. He stubbornly clung to his beliefs regardless of who agreed with him. Art's son earlier described him as a man of fairness and justice and he was right. Art believed in treating people fairly and in respecting everyone's rights.

There are many people around the country who live in decent housing because of Art's work, and many more will. There's a saying in Spanish, "Te llevo en el corazon." Roughly translated, "I carry you in my heart." All those people who have benefitted from Art's work will never know him, but whether they realize it or not, they carry him in their hearts, as do we.

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